Abstract:Commercial organizations increasingly need software processes sensitive to busi- ness value, quick to apply, supportive of multi-stakeholder collaboration, and capable of early analysis for subprocess consistency and compatibility. This paper and a companion paper \Applying Value-Based Software Process: An ERP Example" present our experience in ap- plying a lightweight synthesis of a Value-Based Software Quality Achievement (VBSQA) process and an Object-Petri-Net (OPN) based process model to achieve a stakeholder win- win outcome for software quality achievement in an ERP software project in China. We attempt to answer such questions as (1) whether it is possible to model various project stakeholder perspectives using formal process modeling languages in a real-world project? (2) how to make stakeholders synchronize and stabilize their value propositions, activities and commitments as needed. The companion paper presents the VBSQA process and its application to the ERP project; this paper presents the OPN-based process modeling and its application. The application results of OPN process modeling conˉrmed that (1) the OPN- based process model provided project managers with a synchronization and stabilization framework for process activities, success-critical stakeholders and their value propositions; (2) process visualization and simulation tools signiˉcantly increased management visibility and controllability for the success of the software project.