• Volume 3,Issue 4,2009 Table of Contents
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    • >Special Section on Internetware
    • Preface

      2009, 3(4):413-414.

      Abstract (3717) HTML (0) PDF 158.78 K (2965) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Internetware Computing: Issues and Perspective

      2009, 3(4):415-438.

      Abstract (5061) HTML (0) PDF 1.98 M (7394) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Internetware addresses the unique challenges of software development and maintenance in the open and dynamic Internet environment. The project identifies the four major features as the vision of future Internetware including autonomous services, dynamic collaboration, environment-aware evolution and adaptation, and verifiable and justifiable trustworthiness. The paper discusses four key enabling techniques to achieve the above Internetware capabilities. 1) The lifecycle model: it proposes the model-driven and reuse- centric adaptive lifecycle of service software and the mashup approach for composition-based application development. 2) The ontology system: it discusses a wide range of software development ontology systems that can be used at various abstraction levels throughout all the stages of software lifecycle, and the issues with ontology systems such as consistency and completeness, dependency analysis, merging and change management. 3) Modeling and simulation: it identiˉes the necessary characteristics of the modeling language in the new paradigm such as the modeling of environment , system and environment interactions,the environment-system co-engineering process, and the ontology support for modeling and simulation. 4) Social ranking: it points out that social network will play an important role in Internetware development framework. Traditional software activities such as requirements solicitation and testing can be improved following this social approach. From these above four perspectives, the paper gives an outlook to the emerging techniques and their potential power in Internetware software engineering.

    • SM@RT: Applying Architecture-Based Runtime Management into Internetware Systems

      2009, 3(4):439-464.

      Abstract (3767) HTML (0) PDF 2.49 M (3692) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Architecture-based runtime management (ARM) is a promising approach for Internetware systems. The key enablement of ARM is runtime architecture infrastructure(RAI) that maintains the causal connection between runtime systems and architectural mod-els. An RAI is uneasy to implement and, more importantly, specific to the given system and model. In this paper, we propose a model-driven approach for automated generation of RAI implementation. Developers only need to define three MOF models for their preferred archi-tecture model and the target system (these models are reusable independently for di?erent pairs of the model and system), and one QVT transformation for the causal connection. Our Eclipse-based toolset, called SM@RT, will automatically generate the RAI implementation code without any modification on the source code of the target system, and automatically and properly deploy the generated RAI into the distributed systems. This approach is exper-imented on several runtime systems and architectural models, including ABC architectural models on Eclipse GUI and Android, C2 architectural models on JOnAS, Rainbow C/S style on PLASTIC and UML models on POJO.

    • QoS-Aware Replication in Service Composition

      2009, 3(4):465-482.

      Abstract (3714) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (3831) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Service composition is a useful technique to assemble light, independent services to meet the complicated and dynamic requirements. Previous research has addressed the quality-of-service (QoS) aware service composition path selection problem, i.e. choose the right service replicas to construct a composite service, so that the overall QoS could meet the request. However, as the requests grows, the existing service replicas could not support the incoming requests even when we choose the best service composition path. That means the existing services may not satisfy the QoS requirements no matter how we choose the compo-sition path. The reason for it is the scale of the existed service component replicas is small compared with the increasing users requirements. In this case, more service replicas should be deployed on suitable nodes to improve the QoS. But which service component should be selected and where these service replicas should be deployed is a challenge. In this paper,we make a deep study on this service replication problem. We give a detailed description of service replication triggering time. And then, we propose LDCS (Longest Delay Service Component Selection) to select the bottle-neck service component by evaluating the real-time performance of all these components. Finally, we employ MACP (Maximum Available Capacity Path) algorithm to select a suitable node to deploy this service replica. Simulation results approve that our approach is effective and effcient.

    • Adaptive Resource Allocation for Service-Based Systems

      2009, 3(4):483-499.

      Abstract (3236) HTML (0) PDF 993.07 K (3651) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to its major advantages, service-oriented architecture (SOA) has been adopted in various distributed systems, such as web services, grid computing systems, utility computing systems and cloud computing systems. These systems are referred as service-based systems (SBS). In order to effectively use these systems in various applications, one major challenge which must be addressed is to manage the quality of services (QoS) to satisfy users’ requirements. In SBS, multiple services are often hosted by the same server and compete for the limited system resources of the server, such as CPU-time, memory and network bandwidth. In addition, service compositions, resource status of servers, workflow priorities and QoS requirements are usually dynamically changing in runtime. Hence, it is necessary to have effective techniques to allocate the system resources to each service provided by a server in order to satisfy the QoS requirements of multiple workflows in SBS. In this paper, a resource allocation approach is presented to adaptively allocating the system resources of servers to their services in runtime in order to satisfy one of the most important QoS requirements, the throughput, of multiple workflows in SBS.

    • >Regular Papers
    • Construct Control Meshes of Helicoids over Trapezium Domain

      2009, 3(4):501-511.

      Abstract (5173) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (5523) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, we present a geometric construction of control meshes of helicoids over trapezium domain. We first introduce the quasi-Bézier basis in the space spanned by {1;t;cos t;sin t;t sin t;t cos t}; with t [0;α];α [0;2π). We denote the curves ex-pressed by the quasi-Bézier basis as algebraic-trigonometric Bézier curves, for short AT-Bézier curves. Then we find out the transform matrices between the quasi-Bézier basis and {1;t;cos t; sin t;t sin t; tcos t}. Finally, we present the control mesh representation of the heli-coids and the geometric construction of the control mesh. In detail, we construct the controlpolygon of the planar Archimedean solenoid, which is also expressed with the quasi-Bézier basis, and then generate the mesh vertices by translating points of the control polygon.