Quang Vinh Nguyen , Yingcai Wu , Weidong Huang , Tomasz Bednarz
2015, 9(1):1-2.
Abstract:Visual information has increasingly been used to enable human-human communication and knowledge discovery with the vast information, not only in typical normal displays but also in immersive environments and small mobile devices. Visual information communication and interaction synergises state-of-the-art research in visual communications, designs and applications. By marrying multi-disciplinary research works in visualization, graphical user-interface, and interaction together with art concepts and designs, it has opened a new opportunity to present and analyse information on different perspectives. This special issue of the International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI) on Visual Information Communication and Interaction includes five selected papers presented at the 7th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI'14), which was successfully held in Sydney, 5-8 August 2014. The papers have been substantially extended with at least 30% additional contents from the symposium versions. Each was also reviewed by two reviewers through a rigorous review process. They cover a wide range in information visualization, mobile web interface, interaction to design and art.
Michael Burch , Daniel Weiskopf
2015, 9(1):3-21.
Abstract:Dynamic graph visualization techniques can be based on animated or static diagrams showing the evolution over time. In this paper, we apply the concept of small multiples to visually illustrate the dynamics of a graph. Node-link, adjacency matrix, and adjacency list visualizations are used as basic visual metaphors for displaying individual graphs of the sequence. For node-link diagrams, we apply edge splatting to improve readability and reduce visual clutter caused by overlaps and link crossings. Additionally, to obtain a more scalable dynamic graph visualization in the time dimension, we integrate an interactive Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) feature to rapidly °ip between the sequences of displayed graphs, similar to the concept of flipping a book's pages. Our visualization tool supports the focus-and-context design principle by providing an overview of a longer time sequence as small multiples in a grid while also showing a graph in focus as a large single representation in a zoomed in and more detailed view. The usefulness of the technique is illustrated in two case studies investigating a dynamic directed call graph and an evolving social network that consists of more than 1,000 undirected graphs.
Ruchika S , Susmitha Pulakhandam , Isha Singh Jassi , G Ram Mohan Reddy
2015, 9(1):23-36.
Abstract:Ember is a smartphone web browser interface for the blind. It was designed exclusively for the blind, keeping in mind their needs and requirements. With large screen targets and easy Braille based text entry, Ember aims to make browsing an enjoyable experience for the blind user. Furthermore, Ember has a verbal command option for easier input. A simple way to find targets on the interface has been incorporated with Ember, by using a screen guard with projections at six points that correspond to the six dots used in Braille. After testing, it was found that twenty-five out of twenty-eight volunteers, on an average, could navigate faster using the Ember audio navigation method than the traditional web browser, and the learning curve for the Ember interface is less steeper than the learning curve for the traditional browser. The Ember keypad was also tested against the QWERTY keypad and the SmartBraille, a well-recognized keypad for Braille-based text entry, and was found to be more intuitive and natural to use.
2015, 9(1):37-49.
Abstract:Photomosaic arranges many small photographs to represent a large image. The study applies the photomosaic to a photograph browser CAT. The implementation displays photomosaic while zooming out, and individual photographs while zooming in. Here, many photograph browsing software displays a set of photographs in the order of their timestamps. To maintain this order of photographs, the photomosaic-like image generation technique rstly arranges the given set of photographs in the order of their timestamps, and then retouches so that the set of photographs forms a photomosaic-like scene. This paper presents the technique for photomosaic generation, a user evaluation to discuss what kinds of photographs are preferable to be applied, and an automatic photomosaic selection technique.
Alireza Rezaeian , Jared Donovan
2015, 9(1):51-59.
Abstract:In this paper we describe the design of DNA Jewelry, which is a wearable tangible data representation of personal DNA profile data. An iterative design process was followed to develop a 3D form-language that could be mapped to standard DNA profile data, with the aim of retaining readability of data while also producing an aesthetically pleasing and unique result in the area of personalised design. The work explores design issues with the production of data tangibles, contributes to a growing body of research exploring tangible representations of data and
Phillip Gough , Kate Dunn , Tomasz Bednarz , Xavier Ho
2015, 9(1):61-72.
Abstract:In the fast-changing and multi-disciplinary practice of artful information visualization, the act of translating data into an image can be fraught with peril. There is considerable debate around modes of visualization and their relationships with the underlying data. This paper outlines the debate between the opposing ideologies through assessment of design considerations and comparisons of creative practice and visual analytics. The authors summarise the current nexus of influences and circumstances and proceed to formulate a set of guidelines for creative practitioners developing visualizations for Non-Expert Users (NEUVis).
2015, 9(1):73-92.
Abstract:Reasoning in medical and tutoring systems requires expressions relating not only to time-dependency, paraconsistency, constructiveness, and resource-sensitivity, but also order-sensitivity. Our objective in this study is to construct a decidable rst-order logic for appropriately expressing this reasoning. To meet this objective, we introduce a rst-order temporal paraconsistent non-commutative logic as a Gentzen-type sequent calculus. This logic has no structural rules but has some bounded temporal operators and a paraconsistent negation connective. The main result of this study is to show this logic to be decidable. Based on this logic, we present some illustrative examples for reasoning in medical and tutoring systems.