Symposium in Honor of Prof. Barry W. Boehm
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Call for Submission and Participation
Symposium in Honor of Prof. Barry W. Boehm
26-27 April 2011
Beijing, China

Contributions and attendance are invited for a special symposium in honor of the career and contributions of Prof. Barry W. Boehm on the occasion of his 75th year. The Barry W. Boehm Symposium is sponsored by the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS) and the International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI) and will be held in Beijing, China on 26 and 27 April, 2011.

Prof. Boehm has made numerous and fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of software engineering. Among his fundamental contributions are his book, Software Engineering Economics, his enunciation of the Spiral Model of software development, and the Incremental Commitment Model of software management. He has also been the author of hundreds of papers, the supervisor of dozens of Ph.D. students, and the Director of the Information Processing Technology Office of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa/IPTO), among many other outstanding accomplishments. Prof. Boehm is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery and the Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. He was the recipient of an honorary doctorate from the University of Massachusetts. This workshop will be held in honor of these and many other contributions and achievements of Prof. Boehm. Honorary lectures will be delivered by leading software engineers, including Dieter Rombach, Ross Jeffery, William Scherlis, Kouichi Kishida, and Narayana N. R. Murthy.

Contributed papers addressing the contributions of Prof. Boehm, and the impact of his work are now invited. Contributed papers must be submitted to the International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI) in accordance with instructions found at the IJSI web site. They must be clearly identified as a contribution to this event by having affixed as a part of their title, the words, "A Tribute to Prof. Barry W. Boehm". Submissions may be in either LaTex or Microsoft Word format and must be received by 10 February 2011 (templates for both the LaTex and Word document formats can be found at , the IJSI web site). The length of a contributed paper should be appropriate for journal publication and for the technical content contained. Contributed papers will be reviewed by 15 March 2011. Accepted papers will be presented at the celebration and published in a proceeding. Among them, selected high-ranked papers will be invited to be published in a special issue of IJSI in an extended and improved form, and will have to be revised in accordance with reviewer comments, with proofs returned to IJSI by 8 April 2011.

General Chairs:
Mingshu Li, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ruqian Lu, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Program Chair:
Leon Osterweil, University of Massachusetts

Organization Chairs:
Kelong Liu, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences
Qing Wang, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences

Important dates:
10 February 2011, submission deadline
15 March 2011, Notification of acceptance
8 April 2011, Camera Ready due
26-27 April 2011, Symposium

Published date:2011-01-04Click: