Call for Papers
SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (中国科学: 信息科学)
Special Issue on Engineering Visual Analytics
Guest Editors:
Hong MEI (Peking University;
Kang ZHANG (University of Texas at Dallas;
As the amount of information available from complex systems, such as software systems, medical devices, and transportation systems, has been increasing, there is an urgent need of effective visual analytics for understanding such complex systems and for discovering knowledge therein. Software engineering and visual analytics play complementary roles in the development of visualization software systems. How would software engineering theory and practice be effectively applied to the construction of a visual analytical system? Current visual analytical approaches and systems have been researched and developed predominantly on an ad hoc basis without any systematic process or methodology. There is also a lack of systematic consideration and evaluation of human factors and usability of such systems. Another question is how a complex software-intensive system would be easily understood and interpreted by using intuitive visualization approaches. To comprehend a software system, one has to understand not only the static structure and dynamic behavior of the system, but also the social and behavioral aspects of the software engineers and analysts who have developed the system.
This special issue aims at publishing state-of-the-art theories and practices of the intertwining issues in software engineering and visual analytics. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Empirical studies of visual analytical approaches
* Human factors in information visualization
* Knowledge discovery through information visualization
* Metaphors for visual analytics
* Software engineering issues in visual analytics
* Social and behavioral aspects of collaborative software engineering
* Visualization of software-intensive systems
* Visual programming languages
Manuscript Submission: Manuscripts should be formatted and be submitted online according to the instructions for SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences at, with LaTeX style files available at Submitted manuscripts must not have appeared or been under review elsewhere.
All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed in accordance with the refereeing procedure of SCIENCE CHINA, and only those manuscripts that require minor revisions will be accepted for rapid publication in the special issue.
Submission Deadline: September 1, 2012
Acceptance/Revision Notification: December 30, 2012
Final Manuscript Due: February 1, 2013
Tentative Publication: May 1, 2013