Call for Papers for a Special Issue of IJSI on Manifold Learning
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Call for Papers
for a Special Issue of
International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI)
on Manifold Learning

Guest Editor: Prof. Xiaofei He
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310058, China

You are cordially invited to submit your research paper to a special issue on manifold learning to be published in International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI) (URL: IJSI is a peer-reviewed international journal with focuses on theoretical foundation and practical research of software techniques. It has an editorial board consisting of internationally well-known experts.

1. Theme and topics 

In many information analysis tasks, one is often confronted with thousands to millions-dimensional data, such as images, documents, videos, web data, bioinformatics data, etc. Conventional statistical and computational tools are often severely inadequate for processing and analysing high-dimensional data due to the curse of dimensionality, where we often need to conduct inference with a limited number of samples in a very high-dimensional space. There is a strong intuition that the data may have a lower dimensional intrinsic representation with low intrinsic complexity. Recently, various work have considered the case when the data is sampled from a submanifold embedded in the much higher dimensional Euclidean space. Learning with full consideration of the low dimensional manifold structure, or specifically the intrinsic topological and geometrical properties of the data manifold is referred to as manifold learning, which is receiving growing attention in the community in recent years.

This special issue is to attract articles that (a) address the frontier problems in the scientific principles of manifold learning, and (b) report empirical studies and applications of manifold learning algorithms, including but not limited to pattern recognition, computer vision, web mining, image processing, bioinformatics and so on.

Below is an incomplete list of potential topics to be covered in the special issue:
1. Dimensionality reduction based on manifold learning
2. Supervised manifold learning (e.g., classification)
3. Unsupervised manifold learning (e.g., clustering)
4. Semi-supervised manifold learning
5. Manifold regularization
6. Manifold ranking
7. Manifold alignment
8. Manifold learning theory
9. Kernel methods based on manifold learning
10. Manifold learning with noisy and incomplete data
11. Efficiency issues in manifold learning
12. Algebraic, geometric, and topological methods for manifold learning
13. Empirical study of the performance of manifold learning algorithms
14. Applications of manifold learning

2. Requirements of submissions

All submissions must meet the following requirements. 
(a) The paper must be written in English.
(b) All submissions must be typeset in the journal's format. A format template can be downloaded from the journal's website at the following URL:
(c) There is no strict restriction on the length of a submission. All the submissions will be evaluated based on the quality of the work.
(d) The submission must be the authors' own original work and it must have not been formally published or submitted for the consideration of publication anywhere else.
(e) If a submission is an extension of a workshop or conference paper, it must contain a substantial amount of new material. As a guideline, it should contain at least 30% of new material. In that case, the author must state the differences of the submission from existing publications in a cover letter, and include the workshop/conference paper(s) together with the submission for the editor to check if the extension and revision is satisfactory.

4. How to submit

All submissions must be in the pdf format and uploaded to the special issue's online submission system at the following URL: 

5. Review of the papers

All the submissions will be peer reviewed by at least two experienced active researchers in the related subject area. The review process and quality criteria will follow the journal's review process protocol and standard. The decisions on acceptance of each paper will be based on the reviewers' reports on the quality of the submission.

6. Important dates

November 30, 2012: Deadline for paper submission.
March 15, 2013: Notification of the first round of review results.
May 15, 2013: Deadline for submitting the revised versions.
August 1, 2013: Notification of the final decision of acceptance.
September 1, 2013: Deadline for camera-ready submission.

6. Contact details of the guest editor

Prof. Xiaofei He,
State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China.
Tel: +86 -571-88206681
Fax: +86 -571-88206680
Email: ,


Published date:2012-05-02Click: