Call for papers for 21st IEEE Intl Requirements Engineering Conference
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RE13 is in Rio de Janeiro!
CfP: 21st IEEE Intl Requirements Engineering Conference

The IEEE "RE13" Requirements Engineering Conference is taking place in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, July 15th-19th, 2013.

The whole RE13 team and Julio, Olly, and Mav in their roles as General Chair, Program Chair, and Industry Chair are writing to encourage you to contribute a submission to RE13.

In case Rio itself is not incentive enough to get involved, we are planning some changes to RE13 to continue to build upon the established quality of the RE Conference series. In addition to the usual Research and Industry papers, workshops, tutorials, panel sessions etc., we are also seeking submissions to a special "RE@21" category; a chance to reflect on the contribution of the RE conference series to both requirements engineering research and practice as it comes of age with the 21st RE conference. Furthermore, we have introduced "RE Interactive", which offers new ways for RE participants to get involved and interact throughout the conference.


Workshop proposals (Jan 14)
Paper abstracts (Jan 21)
Full papers (Jan 28)
Tutorial proposals (intent: Feb 01; full submission: Feb 25)
(see below for full list of key dates)

So why not take a few moments to look at the website and the calls and give serious consideration to making a contribution. Please forward this email to your colleagues; we are sure everyone would like the chance to go to the 21st RE conference in Rio.

If you have any questions about RE13, do not hesitate to email the organizing team ( ).

Many thanks,
   Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite, General Chair
      Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
   Orlena (Olly) Gotel, Program Chair
      Independent Researcher, USA
   Alistair Mavin (Mav), Industry Chair
      Rolls Royce PLC, UK
   and the whole RE13 Team.


Important Dates in 2013:
January 14th: Workshop Proposals
January 21st: Research, Industry, & RE@21 Abstracts
January 28th: Research, Industry, & RE@21 Full Papers
February 01st: Tutorials - Notice of Intent
February 25th: Tutorial Proposals
March 04th: Panel & Debate Proposals
April 03rd: Doctoral Symposium Submissions
April 08th: Poster & Demo Submissions
RE Interactive: Always open to suggestions!
July 15th-19th: RE13 Conference in Rio

Program Committee:

Industry Committee:

Organizing Committee:

Program Board:

Published date:2012-11-08Click: