Call for Papers: Information and System Security(IJSI)
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Call for Papers: Special Issue on Information and System Security
@ International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI)

Attacks involving unauthorized access and modification of systems resources pose serious threats in modern computing environments.  It is essential to develop novel and practical techniques to counter such threats.  This special issue seeks original papers focusing on various aspects of security issues. You are cordially invited to submit your research papers to this special issue to be published in International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI). IJSI is a peer-reviewed international journal with focuses on theoretical foundation and practical research of software techniques, which has an editorial board consisting of internationally well-known experts.

Topics include but are not limited to:
·Software security
·Network security
·Access control
·Cloud computing security
·Virtualization security
·Hardware-based security
·Database security
·Formal methods for security
·Accounting and audit
·Intrusion detection
·Applied cryptography
·Digital forensics
·Embedded systems security
·Key management
·Malware analysis
·Operating system security
·Web security
·Email security
·Privacy-enhancing technology
·Security architectures
·Security metrics
·Trusted computing
·Usable security and privacy
Important Dates
Manuscript Due: June 10 2014
Review feedback: July 25 2014
Revised version submission: August 25 2014
Acceptance notification: September 10 2014
Final paper submission: September 25 2014

Paper Submissions
All submissions must meet the following requirements:
a) The paper must be written in English.
b) All submissions must be typeset in pdf or word format. 
c) There is no strict restriction on the length of a submission.
d) The submission must be the authors' own original work and it must have not been previously published or submitted for the consideration of publication anywhere else.
e) If a submission is an extension of a workshop or conference paper, it must contain a substantial amount of new material. As a guideline, it should contain at least 25% of new material. In that case, the author must state the differences of the submission from existing publications in a cover letter, and include the workshop/conference paper(s) together with the submission for the editor to check if the extension and revision is satisfactory.

All submissions must be uploaded to the special issue's online submission system at the following URL:

Paper Review
All submissions will go through an anonymous peer review process. The review process and quality criteria will follow the journal's review process protocol and standard. The decisions on acceptance of each paper will be based on the reviewers' reports on the quality of the submission.

Guest Editors
Dr. Ping Yang
State University of New York at Binghamton, USA

Dr. Xiaolong Jin
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Published date:2014-03-27Click: