Call for papers for VINCI14
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Call for papers for VINCI14
August 5-8 Sydney  Australia

Important Dates:
Long papers: April 22, 2014
Short papers: April 22, 2014
Posters: May 20, 2014

The 7th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI14) will be held on August 5-8 in Sydney, Australia. VINCI14 aims to provide an international forum for researchers and industrial practitioners to discuss the state of the art in visual communication theories, designs, and applications.

This year edition of the conference features three exciting keynotes by Professor Peter Eades from University of Sydney, Professor Bruce Thomas from the University of South Australia and Dr. Helen Purchase from University of Glasgow.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

Area 1: Visualization methodologies

Information visualization
Graph drawing and visualization
Cognitive aspects of visual information comprehension
Visual metaphors and symbols
Usability or empirical study of new visual metaphors
Design theory in the digital age
Aesthetics in visual communication and digital media
Interaction methods (touch-based, haptic, vision-based, multi-modality
Big Data
Visual languages
Art + Science

Area 2: Visualization applications

Visual Analytics
Graphical user interface design
Software visualization
Visual approaches to knowledge discovery
Visualization on mobile devices
Game design
Biological visualizations

Area 3: Visual design and art

Interaction design
Interactive art
Infographie and data-driven art
Visual perception and cognition
Virtual actors
Interactive storytelling
Augmented reality and its applications
Virtual reality and its applications
Computational (or digital) aesthetics
Wearable computers
Ubiquitous / responsive environments
Entertainment technology

Proceedings will be published by ACM Press and made available in the ACM Digital Library (EI-indexed). Further, it has been confirmed that a high number of selected papers will be published in a special issue of International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE, SCI indexed) and a special issue of International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI).

To submit:
For more information, visit web:

VINCI14 Organizing committee
August 5-8, 2014, Sydney Australia

Published date:2014-04-10Click: