Call for Papers--ICICS 2021
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ICICS 2021

Chongqing, China, September 17-19, 2021

Submission Deadline: May 11, 2021

Dear Colleagues:

We cordially invite you to share your latest research results by
submitting your manuscript to the ICICS 2021 that will be held in
Chongqing, China on Sepember 17-19, 2021. Sorry for possible


ICICS 2021 (the 23rd International Conference on Information and
Communications Security) will be held in Chongqing, China, on Sep 17-19,
2021. It will be organized by Chongqing University, Xi’an Jiaotong University,

And Peking University.

The conference started in 1997 and aims at bringing together leading
researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to
discuss and exchange their experiences, lessons learned, and insights
related to computer and communications security. More info about the
previous conferences can be found at

Original papers offering novel research contributions on all aspects
of information and communications security are solicited for
submission to ICICS 2021. There will be a Best Paper Award and a Best
Student Paper Award. Areas of interest include, but are not limited

* Access control and authorization


*Applied cryptography

*Attacks and defenses


*Biometrics security

*Blockchains and distributed ledger security

*Censorship resistance

*Cloud security

*Cyber physical systems security

*Distributed systems security

*Economics of security and privacy

*Embedded systems security


*Hardware security

*Intrusion detection and prevention

*Malware and unwanted software

*Mobile and Web security and privacy

*Language-based security

*Machine learning and AI security

*Network and systems security

*Privacy-preserving data mining

*Privacy technologies and mechanisms

*Protocol security

*Secure information flow

*Security and privacy for the Internet of Things

*Security and privacy metrics and policies

*Security architectures

*Social networks security, privacy and trust

*Software and application security

*Usable security and privacy

*Trustworthy computing

Paper submission deadline: May11 2021 (23:59 AOE)
Notification of acceptance: Jun 29 2021
Camera-ready due: Jul 13 2021
Conference: Sep 17-19 Dec 2021

Authors are invited to submit original papers not previously published
nor submitted in parallel for publication to any other conference,
workshop or journal. All submitted papers must be anonymous, with no
author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references.

Submissions should be in English, as a PDF file with all fonts
embedded, in the Springer-Verlag LNCS format (details can be found at:,
typeset with 11pt font, and using reasonable spacing and margins.
Papers should not exceed 16 pages in LNCS style including the
bibliography, but excluding well-marked appendices (no more than 18
pages in total). Note that papers should be intelligible without all
appendices, since committee members are not required to read them.
Submitted papers may risk being rejected directly without
consideration of their merits if they do not follow all the above
submission instructions.

Accepted papers will be presented at ICICS 2021 and included in the
conference’s post-proceeding published by Springer in its Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series. Please note that at least one author
of each accepted paper should register with full rate to the
conference and give a presentation at the conference. Failure to
register or absence from the presentation will eventually make your
paper NOT being included in the conference proceedings.

Published date:2021-03-17Click: