Guidelines for Reviewers
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1. Reviewers must ensure that the authors have confirmed all sources of data used in the study.
Reviewers should notify the editor immediately, if they find plagiarism or duplicate submission during the review process.
2. Reviewers should review the manuscript objectively and equitably, and the review opinions should be expressed via providing proper arguments.
3. Reviewers should have no conflicts of interest with the study, the author, and/or the funder of the study.
4. Reviewers should point out related published works that have not been cited properly.
5. Reviewers should notify the editor of IJSI, if they feel that it is impossible for them to complete the review of the manuscript within the given time. So that the manuscript can be sent to other reviewers.

All the reviewers can get your review task via the online system Reviewer on IJSI website.

Published date:2021-03-19Click: