"International Journal of Software and Informatics" (ISSN 1673-7288, CODEN IJSIBU) is sponsored by the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS). It is an international journal dedicated to publishing high-level academic papers and the latest research results in the field of computer science and informatics. IJSI was founded in 2007 by the former Editor-in-Chief Prof. Ruqian Lu. IJSI stopped its publication in 2017; it resumes them in 2021. The current Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors-in-Chief are as follows:
Prof. Yidong Shen, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS), China Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Prof. Wenfei Fan, University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. Lijun Zhang, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS), China
IJSI focuses on the international academic exchanges on the development of software technology and informatics international interflow of the development in the field of software technology and informatics , especially giving international publicity to the latest research work developed by the Chinese software technology and informatics experts. Scopes:
IJSI focuses on the theoretical foundation and practical research of software techniques; submissions in other areas of computer science are also welcome. The principal topics of IJSI include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Computer Software, Theoretical Computer Science, Network and Information Security, Formal Methods, Artificial Intelligence, Multi-Media Techniques, Interdisciplinary Areas (including Quantum Informatics, Bioinformatics, Neuro-Informatics, Cognitive Science, etc.), Computer Aided Applications (including Graphic and Image Processing, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, etc. ), Database. Declaration:
Currently, IJSI mainly publishes English translations of excellent manuscripts appearing in "Journal of Software" (ISSN1000 -9825). IJSI also welcomes spontaneous submissions.